Fresh Pawz

Shopping Secrets

Using a Fresh Pawz coupon is easy: Just copy and paste at checkout! You can find them when you shop at Rakuten. That’s also where you’ll earn Cash Back every time you shop online. Want to save a few more dollars? We’ve got you covered with the shopping secrets below.

Earn Rewards with Guru Club

When you begin the checkout process, you'll notice the opportunity to earn a reward with Guru Club. To take advantage, all you need to do is sign up with Guru Club, and then post an Instagram story about your purchase. Leave the story up for at least 24 hours, and you’ll see your reward post back to your original payment method.

Refer Friends to Earn $10

Have you got friends who will crazy for the Fresh Pawz style? Refer them to the store, and you'll earn a $10 Fresh Pawz coupon every time one makes a purchase. Your friend will also receive a promo code for 15% off their purchase, so it's win-win.

Join the Rewards Program for Discounts

The Fresh Pawz rewards program is your chance to earn incredible savings on future orders. It costs nothing to enroll, and you'll earn points every time you shop at the store. You'll also earn points when you celebrate a birthday, share on Facebook or complete other activities. When you've racked up 500 points, you can trade them in for a Fresh Pawz coupon code for $5 off your next order. You can also redeem 1,000 points for $10 off and 2,500 points for $25 off.

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