Randolph Engineering

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Shopping Secrets

Earn Cash Back on all your purchases by shopping with Rakuten. Keep more cash in your pocket by also checking out the following savings tips and using Randolph Engineering promo codes.

Free Returns within 30 Days

If the glasses you receive aren’t quite what you were expecting, you can return or exchange them for free within 30 days of your purchase date. All shipments come with a prepaid label, so returning is as easy as packing up your merchandise, attaching the label and mailing it off. During the holidays, except Black Friday, you can return your purchases for up to 90 days.

Lifetime Warranty for Free Repair or Replacement

When you buy from Randolph Engineering, the company expects that you’ll be a lifelong customer. To foster that important relationship, it guarantees its products for life. Issues caused by poor workmanship or manufacturing defects will be covered for one year. However, solder joints on metal glasses will be covered for life. Randolph Engineering will remedy these problems, through either repair or replacement, for the life of the product. Note that this warranty doesn’t cover damage caused by wear and tear, such as scratched lens.

Save with a Low-cost Tune-up Service

Since high-quality Randolph Engineering products can be pricey, you’ll want your glasses to fit as perfectly as possible and look great. For only $25, the company offers a tune-up service to extend the life of your glasses. For this fee, it'll perform a full cleaning, adjust the frame fit and replace the nose pads. It'll also inspect the glasses and let you know about any repairs that may be needed. Why pay for this locally if the experts are going to do the best job?

Get Discounts and More via Email

If you want to save money, one easy way to snag bargains is to sign up for the Randolph Engineering email list. Signing up ensures you won’t miss upcoming sales or events, and you’ll receive Randolph Engineering coupon codes and other discounts. Sign up by scrolling toward the bottom of any page.

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